Lost and found

Last week the boy had lost his sense of humour! Not surprising after waking up from a 10 week coma, not knowing what has hit you....and the severity of problems slowly sinking in! But he is a fighter and has the most incredible determination ....

Today his sense of humour was back! We laughed at absolutely everything...Kanye at Glastonbury, the people on Jeremy Kyle and the nurse who couldn't work out why the blood pressure machine wasn't working. And the blip is his attempt of recreating Dali's melting clock .... Well it is kind of boring lying bed 24/7...

On a more serious note, there was an excellent documentary on BBC2 called 'me and my new brain' it gives a really good insight into what people with brain injuries go through and the problems they face.... The girl in it is inspiring.... and I know my boy will demonstrate the same determination during his rehabilitation! So proud of what he has achieved after 14 weeks already! So much more than we were told to expect! He's a little miracle!!

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