A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


As a reminder to us all that we continue to go in the right direction.

The evening took a downhill turn for J and he wasn't able to join the early evening wave fest and dinner on the beach. He wasn't quite able to make it to his appointed bedtime either. But keeping it all in perspective we can remind ourselves what a complete wipe out June was and it was only a month ago he made it back to school and that even last week we were delighted when he made a pool session.

So it was great he came on the morning outing to tick churros con chocolate on the beach off the holiday list. And it was fortunate that he was the one who had chosen to wear trunks as shorts and was able to take advantage of the wave action.

The size of the waves did prompt the decision to head back down in the evening when people were more appropriately attired and the waves had seriously stepped up their game with some 7 footers wiping everyone out. Exhilarating, though on reflection perhaps not a bad thing the boy missed them, as exhausting too.

Showered the contents of the sea off everyone, finally managed to get a table at the cervezeria we have been wanting to eat at for a year and were not disappointed with a fantastic fish supper. Home to pass on the joys of Sevens to our younger visitors. And a fairly early night all round.

Lesley x

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