Boring Blip Day

After all the excitement last night, I slept for 12 hours (which I can regularly and easily accomplish) and woke to my friend calling to say she was playing hooky from work. We went on a great get-the-blood-pumping run, and then stopped at Cafe Besalu for chocolate croissants (which William Elliott suggested the other day and I have been craving ever since). Then I hung out on her couch looking at election results on the laptop and being snuggled by George, who is in a perpetual "World's Fattest Cat" contest with our own Mushroom. Finally went to get my haircut at the barber shop by a somewhat insecure (new on the job?) barber who butchered my bangs and was mortified. Bought a $10 stuffed dinosaur for my niece who just became a big sister to my newest niece. Came home and made some goulash and expect a relaxing evening in front of the tv. That pretty much sums up my blip day.

Blip points:
blipping at all +1
blip mildly related to something I did in the day +1
not having my big camera with me -1
shooting this on my point and shoot craptacular -1
= 0

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