How many

A day of cooking, cleaning, putting beds up, making beds. I even baked some cakes and that doesn't happen often. Family arriving soon. Dogs came today - not on their own obviously. Children arrive tomorrow.

But we did escape this evening and returned to Maryport to listen to the final lecture in the series following the excavations of the Temple at the Roman settlement. We were at the first one where the two senior archaeologists, including Ian Haynes Professor of Archaeology at Newcastle University, described what they hoped to accomplish during the project.
So, we really wanted to be at this one, to find out how it had all gone. It was a fascinating lecture, where they took a packed audience at the Senhouse Museum through what they had found this time and how it linked with previous findings. We felt privileged to have been a witness to this 'Archaeology in Action'.

And then, as we left the Museum, everyone went to watch the sun as it set over the Solway. And I wondered how many people, over how many centuries, have watched that same sun set over the same water. 
   So now we are home appreciating the peace and quiet of the house, but looking forward to when the peace is shattered tomorrow. 

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