
By Bectoria

Both trapped!

The playpen arrived today! I needed something to keep the boy where he should be now he is on the move ;)
Obviously Charlie wanted to get in!! Don't know why I hadn't got this earlier for my 9 year old he loves it!!

We have been to curvemotion today both Rosie and Charlie haven't skated for 2 years (I think?) and both were back on and whizzing round with Jack and Charlotte. I chatted on the side with Jude and Ali ;)

Early ish night for Charlie as he has his second medal tomorrow he is quite looking forward to it.

If anyone didn't know it's 2 days until Rosie's birthday! This is all we hear so might as well tell everyone!

Best news today Rosie passed her singing exam with a merit which is fab as it was her first singing exam and straight in at grade 3. What a star!

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