Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

Merry Ho-Ho

The bottom of this picture showes the top of a bridge that is 5 floors above the street. The buildings across the street are connected by a heated foot bridge so that people don't have to try to dodge trafic in the middle of the block to get from one side to the other.
Every year the company I work for hangs a wreath on the bridge to help celebrate the season. The wreath shown above is one of a pair that adorn both sides of the bridge. It (the wreath) is 10 feet in diameter and holds over 500 full sized outside lights. The maintaince crew has to install special, extra breakers to handle the load and a crane sets it in place while a worker in a "cherry picker" does the actual attachment.
The weather was beautiful today and made the instalation so much easier than it could have been. I'm guessing the weather in January won't be as nice.

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