It was a relief to divert along this canal path to make a phone call and to unwind after two long train journeys before visiting my father. The feeling of peace and quiet was short lived however on discovering that my father was about to go to hospital with a suspected fractured leg. I felt awful when he thought I was taking him out into the garden on the beautiful summer day but instead he was being taken to hospital. Although a fracture is confirmed, he had still to be seen by a doctor and according to the last report I believe he was still on a trolley in the corridor after seven hours. Not an ideal place especially for an old man who is becoming increasingly confused and distressed and very upsetting for my mother who is unable to see him. Until recently he would have loved to have strolled along this canal and he still marvels at the sights and sounds of movements of trees in the wind. I wish he was still able to see this view and to take the long walks that he enjoyed in the countryside.
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