I'm Glad I Spent it with you..

After dinner tonight, and the creation of a "book nook" in the dining room, we decided to head out for ice cream. 

The new Ice Cream shop in town was, as ever, queued out the door, so we headed for old familiar, and then to the harbour to sit and enjoy our creamy treat and watch the sunset.  

And what a sunset.   Not a breath of wind.  A bank of cloud to the north, but clear, as clear as clear above us.  Warm, still, and smelling of the sea. 

Seals floated lazily just out of reach, couples sat in cars in the car park and we headed down on to the rocks to get closer to the seals, and the sea, and the sky.  

Me, and Tooli, and Si, and Boy.  Yes, of course, Boy.  With my iPhone in hand, we are always altogether. 


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