All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Sitting on the fence

... ok so technically a gate, but close enough!  A wee playdate this morning with Ethan's best friend Logan and an old nursery pal, Thomas.  We went to the park then for a walk round Bellsquarry Woods to see if any fairies were answering the doors of the fairy houses today!

Just as Ethan and I walked home, we saw the Foreveryoungs about to drive away from our house as they'd stopped off there to change Lucas's nappy.  They came back and had lunch at ours.  Ethan had asked me in the morning if I would take him to the Time Capsule but after lots of episodes of him not listening and not behaving as well as I would like, I said no.  Massive tantrum followed - I've not seen him act like that for ages!

Once he had calmed down and was behaving better, we went to our local playpark instead.  Logan's Mum saw us from their garden so came round with Logan so they got to play together again!

Gymnastics this evening for Ethan - he's so much happier in the boys class he is doing now which is good to see.

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