Hummingbird Moth

I was spoilt for choice today on a day when I really didn't try very hard for a blip. First there was this little Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (see extra) sitting outside my girlfriend's door when I went for coffee. I love its mane of soft air - I think it should be called Lion butterfly. Then back at home I went out the front door with camera in hand and saw this Hummingbird Moth on the door step. It (or one of its mates) has been around before but never when I had a camera nearby. Then later I went for a walk when it had cooled down a little (37°C again today) and saw this magnificent setting sun. But, try as I might, I couldn't capture the colour or even process it as it appeared. Perhaps I would have had more luck with my Lumix 4/3 as I am more used to fiddling around with it  the settings. The Hummingbird photo won out as they are hard to capture and I find them fascinating.
The sunset wouldn't uploead, so here it is on flickr.

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