Shelter in the Storm

Dear Diary,

Finally, we got the rain we so desperately needed!  My large pot of flowers sits right under the roof line and would have been beaten down by the water pouring off the roof. (I have to remember to put it a bit further away next year.)  So, when I know we are going to get heavy rain, I place an old umbrella over the pot providing a bit of shelter for the plants.

Over the years, I've come to see this house and my life here as a sanctuary of sorts.  As much as I love to travel, I love the sheltering feeling I get when I return home.  When winter storms rage outside Emerson and I are safe under the old rafters of this house.  It is a wonderful feeling.

I have been collecting images of raindrops this summer and I've added a collage of them as my extra photograph today.  Natures tiny jewels ornamenting the plants and each a wonder to behold.

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