Special delivery service

Apologies, poor Wom has been neglected in blips recently. Not sure how as I tend to do Munchie, Wom, both....must try harder.

Grim old night.
Munchie was sleep walking and wanted to go downstairs to check on her caterpillars. I try not to touch her too much when she's walking as it seems to send her into meltdown, but when she looked like she was going to climb the stairgate (new party trick) I was left with no other choice but to scoop her up and return to bed. Sadly, unsettled for the rest of the night. Add into this mix a visit from the teething monster and.....
One very tired mummy

Decided not to go to the cinema, went instead to a different national trust place. Not much for the children to do. They were hyping the archaeological digs on the websites, but woe betide anyone who went near their stuff. Shame. Munchie really would have liked to have a go and I'm sure they could have recreated something easily enough.

Had lunch, Munchie announced she preferred Croome lunch boxes. Headed home, hoping for sleeps.

No such luck. Wom dozed on me for about thirty minutes, then woke up giggling.

Baked cakes, Wom showed auntie Sarah how amazing his walking is. Home, daddy home.

Bath bed done
Sorted out the study a bit
Written list for tomorrow, hoping daddy will do nursery run so I can crack on, but we shall see.
Wom loves climbing into things at the moment. Loving his cheeky grin in this blip.

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