Just as I thought I was doing well.............
................getting as far as Berkhamsted after work this evening, I bumped into these two ladies.
Let me introduce Jude and Astrid, two ladies I gave way to as they cycled the canal towpath this evening - a rather brave move on my part given my history of giving way to young ladies on canal towpaths!
I stopped to let them pass making the comment that, judging by the amount of gear they were carrying, they had further to go than I did. I then asked them how far they had come to which they replied, Melbourne!
Nice, I said, but not cycling all the way, surely.
You've guessed it, their answer was yip - d'ya like the aussie accent? They are just coming to the end of a 2.5 year epic cycle from Melbourne, across southern Asia, Iran, Iraq and finally Europe where they collected Astrid's father, also pictured, for the last leg from Regensburg!
They plan to tour for a couple more weeks before settling for good somewhere in the Midlands. Had a great chat about their trip and recommended the pub they were about to eat in - from previous visits - before asking their permission for a Blipfoto.
Somedays you struggle for a blip and other days it's obvious what it must be. Best wishes to all three of you.
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