Ryde to Shanklin (tube) train

A day trip to the Isle of Wight to visit my sister and family who are there on holiday for the week.  Trains were a theme of the day; we started our journey walking along the old military railway line to the local train station where we caught the train to Portsmouth Harbour; then it was on to the sea cat to cross the Solent, followed  by a trip on this old tube train from Ryde Pier down to Shanklin. This and a steam railway are the only railways on the Isle of Wight.  The tube trains were taken over many years ago when they went out of service on the London Underground.  They are showing their age but were full of character and attracting the attention of younger travellers in particular!  We had a lovely meal with my sister at the local pub and tea and scones at their cottage.  A happy day but we were shattered by the time we got back.  In 'extras' a reused red telephone box functioning as a local tourist information centre and second hand book store!

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