Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

T for Tennents, T for Tennesee...

Had a lazy day.  Researched the variants of the Van Hool T types that are operated by West Coast Motors.  Riveting stuff eh?

Then I fixed the Tennents lager sign that I keep knocking off the Teuchter Inn every time I touch the darned thing.  An hour later I picked it up and knocked the bloody thing off again.  There followed a little fit of histrionics, much banging around and a few tears.  Then I decided to make one of those cut out 'T's that some pubs use to advertise Tennent's Lager.   

And that's today's achievements.  Not a lot really.  Think I'm slipping into a glummage.   It's this damned weather.

With apologies to Waylon Jennings for abusing the title of one of his best songs!

Hey Iain, like those cobbles?

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