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Our little Polish holiday is combined with work and pleasure.

I had to empty my parents flat which was left since dad died. I remember mum being so sad when this happened and her not being able to live in the there anymore. Before she died - she asked us to sell it and divide monies between me and my brother.
Intentionally I thought I would be able to pack it myself, but decided to get a moving company as the emotions took over - I only went in to pack personal belongings and documents and the rest was just divided by things we will give to family (mostly furniture), clothes (Red Cross), books (I'm taking those) and the rest went to a very unfortunate family who will benefit from crockery, cutlery and the rest of needed things.

My heart still is shaken, I haven't been sleeping well as I had to close something I was clinging for a long time. 
Do I feel better after doing this?  Not so sure ... but it had to be done, my life is in UK and not in Poland anymore, I guess I need some more time to recover fully ...


Day 4 of holiday - Poland, Dobrocin

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