
By EvelyneNC

German Farmer's rule : Blueht die Esche

vor der Eiche, gibt's im Sommer grosse Bleiche ....

Meaning: If the Ash tree is blooming earlier than the Oak tree, the summer will be warm and dry. If it is the other way round, the summer will be cold and wet.
In Hamburg this prediction was mostly right. In Reno the Ash is always first :-)And it's fruits that you see above are way earlier than the acorns. Our days in July have been very very warm and often the air is so filled with smoke from the Californian fires that we cannot see the surrounding mountains anymore.

Blip has worked on the IPhone App: All of a sudden, I can see your additional pictures. On the other hand I had less access to your pictures when I wanted to browse the pictures of my friends. I could not go as far back as before , but maybe that was only temporary. So they haven't forgotten us, they are still working somewhere on something. Will we ever be able to get a yearbook?

Thank you for your kind stars and heart! Made me happy :-)

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