Journey Through Time

By Sue

Bill Saved The Day!

I asked my long suffering husband to take me on a little ride over to where I'd gotten a lovely barn image when we got our Christmas tree.  Well, he took the 'scenic route', which really means , Oh crud, we took the wrong road again.  Bill kept trying to correct our mistake when he spotted this barn, on the left hand side of the road, and I didn't see it at all.  He quickly turned around and there was the perfect spot to stop the car, which is in itself a minor miracle on these two lane country roads, and here it is - Bill's Barn!   I'm so glad he saw it and we got this image, because we did find the one I wanted, and it was a great disappointment because it was mostly hidden behind trees that weren't leafed out in December.  So, getting lost was a good thing.  We see more of Clark County that way!  ;)  I added this barn in mono and also a photo of the other barn.  You can see it's not as nice of an image as this gorgeous old barn. 

That's it for today kids.

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