Today's Thoughts

By AApple

Failed Sunset Viewing

The sun was hidden by the clouds... I tried taking a panorama shot of the sky and water with my iPhone, but failed to take a good one before the colours faded. :(  Oh well, maybe next time...

I'd been home, sick with a bad cold, for an entire week. I had to cancel 4 volunteer shifts, and one of them was the first shift for a new assignment! I was looking forward to it so much... :(  And I miss the kids... (I volunteer at a daycare.)  *sigh. 

It will be ok. This is the start of a fresh, new week. Let's go, go, go!

Extra Photos:

I thought the grooves on the leaves were so cool! The colour contrast is striking. It's a little blurry, but in the background is the tag with the plant's name. The plant is from the genus Fittonia. They are also known as nerve plants and they originate from South America, mainly Peru.

The yellow flowers are very cute. I keep wanting to call them buttercups, although I know that the name has already been taken. :3

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