It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Birthday Coach Road

Sometimes you just don't want to celebrate. It was my Birthday and I wanted to keep it quiet. I was a bit sad I couldn't spend it with Rosemary and had stuff on my mind anyway. Unfortunately, it was blurted out as it was in the work calendar and then everyone wanted to know where their cake was. 

I was glad at home time and rushed off to get the early train as I was treating myself, not to cake or beer, but to a run in the hills.  It's my big race in a few weeks so I'm easing down with the aim of not getting to the end of a session too fatigued. I have a few niggles too so the run was all about discipline, taking it easy and stopping to take a photo or two if the fancy took me.

It was a hot and humid evening when I set along Hague Road. I stuck my tongue out as I passed the nasty farmer's house and immediately felt cheery. Even the annoying flys that were buzzing around my head weren't too annoying. Passing the dump a wee chavvy lad wearing football boots, walking with his sister called "evening Mr" smug that he had spoken first. "Evening wee man" I called. Ye cannae tak the jock outta me after all. 

I reached Hollingworth and headed up the old coach road, knowing that it was a very long run uphill to the trig point. As it was an easy run it didn't feel too arduous even though sweet was dripping off the end of my beak! The descent was harder with me going over on my ankle when I hit a rock the wrong way. Nothing serious! It the final few km, my toe started to hurt (subsequently found a cut on it) and I was pleased to get home......16km, loads of metres of climbing and after 9pm. 

I nearly had a bowl of cereal and fruit for tea but decided to cook a stir fry thingy with pak choi and marinated tofu! Doing so saved me from a severe chastisement from Rosemary!

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