
By SLPlearning

More Blue Sky Thinking

What a fabulous time we have in Edinburgh every August-people from all over the world visiting our city and making our lives that little bit more special.

During the festival the city gives me a feeling of Christmas good cheer and I often wonder what happens to all of us, that we forget that hope for the future at other times in the year.  

I think of myself as an opportunities kind of person, but one person's opportunity is sometimes another's annoyance, but tonight I heard a story of hope that encouraged me to keep the faith as they say.

After a diagnosis of aggressive cancer in 2010, Nile Rogers (producer, musician and guitarist-seems a little lame as description) was advised to go home and sort out his affairs. After 2 days of trying to work out what his affairs were he decided to play more, write more and get out there more and tour and get involved in more music, because that's what his affairs were.

By 2013 having sorted some of his affairs and after his treatment he got an all clear result that means his music is just that little bit sweeter.

Great gig, nice man and what a blue sky way of thinking he has: I think the hardest thing to overcome is judging yourself and being your own worst critic so to speak.

What a boost for everyone's confidence and the audience were definitely lost in music!

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