What a difference...
... a day makes.
Here's some differences:
1. The top of Berwick Law doesn't look so appealing a walk as it did yesterday.
2. America seems to have got to the top of its mountaintop and peeked over.
3. I finally got the mountainous splinter out of my finger that's been bugging me for the past month. (Did I just stretch the mountain metaphor too far?)
Too depressing to talk about the non-stop rain today, and there seems little to say that's new about America, so obviously you're going to get to hear more about the splinter. I got it clearing brambles a month ago, and really thought I'd got it all out. But it still hurt. Typing hurt (yeah I know, you wouldn't think it from the length of these journal entries: I suffer for my 'art') and the clarinet was off limits (unless no Cs, Ds or Eflats were needed). Then last night sometime just before Ohio was called, a combination of knife, tweezers, needle and fingernails dragged out a 5mm spike. Very satisfying.
So, two good changes out of three ain't bad. Maybe the sun'll come out tomorrow, though I'm not sure I'd bet even my second bottom dollar on that one. But then who'd have thought a couple of years ago that there'd be a black president?
Just as an aside, has anyone noticed how the West Wing plot has come true (young articulate minority group guy comes out of nowhere and wins) and in a neat circularity he's apparently going to appoint as Chief of Staff a guy who Josh in the West Wing was based on. Life, imitating art. Next he'll appoint McCain to a senior position....
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