MonoMonday: Work, Watermain Repair

Through some intensive leak detection work, I located this section of water main that indicated a water leak. When we excavated this pipe I found the collar was leaking looks like the pipe was never pushed home. To find this leak I had to use my Leak detection listening gear as the only indication was water running out of the edge of the foot path. I located the leak by banging a spike into the grass and placing the ground mic on the spike and did this over an area of about 10m until I finally pin pointed the leak by the sound it made. When excavated I was 50mm away from the leak. This is a 150mm Asbestos Cement water main. The Asbestos is harmless while the pipe is intact and only becomes dangerous when cutting the pipe and creating dust. This is just some of the everyday work I do on our Cities Water and Drainage network.

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