
By halfmousey

Yesterday had an amazing party and took not one photo. Hot chaotic afternoon with masses of kids mashing around, heaps of BBQ and a worrying amount of beer, fizz, wine and rum consumed. Bobbin was absolute trooper and had an amazing time utterly unfazed by the hoards besplattering her toys and home. Just starting to see how kindly she interacts with other kids, holding Missy's hand, and how confident she is to get stuck in while Bern and I were distracted. It feels like a big milestone and just one more jigsaw piece of her little personality.

Eventually kids went to bed, Silas and Missy crashing in sleeping bags half in the flowerbeds and entirely unworried by the German techno. Ended up with majority of party staggering down the street to the Star and Garter whilst Cait and I babysat. Just lovely to see Bern's crew reunited after having been scattered across 3 continents. New resolve to cure myself of fear of flying.

After grand total of 50 mins sleep last night, feeling decidedly ropey.

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