Breezin' it

Well, not really - it was an even tougher flight than the last ones with an inversion around 2000' for the first half!  Arriving at the coastal fringe and its convergence was then a double edged sword.  I was able to climb to 6000', but the air the other side of the weak sea breeze front would be stable.  Stunningly beautiful and only vaguely captured in this still.

The sea air combined with needing to skirt Norwich airspace (and a small instrument misreading error) meant I landed just 5km shy of my goal at Winterton.  Very rewarding flight all the same though, especially making use of the sea breeze front.

PL landed a couple of km away so met in a pub in Ormesbury St Margaret to wait for our retrieve. Passed the time nicely, as did the meat raffle.

Once again the it was poor ML who came to get us - launching before me he had landed earlier (it really was tough going).  Near (ish) his gaff so time the retrieve came with an in-built evening meal!  That's three retrieves on the slate now, hmm.

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