Para Recordar

By erinhull

Chef Erin

I have a subscription to a cooking magazine. 
No big deal.

Oh, wait, here's a story. 
So I'm in the grocery store trying to buy some food because I've been gone from the house for many days and all I had was a tub of old yogurt and four beers. 
And I did that thing you are never supposed to do. 
I went to the grocery store hungry.
And I got inside and got a cart and my mind went blank. I couldn't think or focus at all on what I needed to buy because I was hungry. So I'm like walking circles around the olive counter looking at price tags.
And I decide a sandwich is what I need. So I go to the sandwich counter and wait for someone to come take my order. But no one does. I stand there and pretend to read the sign and look patient. And all these people behind the counter are walking around working and doing things, but no one is looking at me. 
So I give up and walk around the olive counter some more and check out the prepared food items which were all too expensive. 
And I still can't think.
So I go back to the sandwich counter. 
And someone comes to help me. 
I get a sandwich. And then I can think. And I decide I need shrimp.
So I go back to wait at the counter...

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