Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Friends and Family, BBQ's and Dysons.

What have us North Easters been doing so right to be spoiled with a whole weekend of sun? It was scorchio today.

The Stones headed off early to catch up with some familiar faces while we channeled Star Trek and skyped Jo, Conn and a very happy Akira. The novelty of gassing bangers continued for Dave and Sam during their BBQ'd lunchtime sarnie then it was off to fill up the squirrel feeders in the forest, spot the sparrow hawk baby and walk alongside a happy Thumper.

Grass cutting (meh), more alcohol soaked strawberries, just because I can (this time in a wee cider), then off to kickstart our big walks again, taking along nature boy. The crops were fairly giving it golden time laldy in the wind.

A whistle stop sighting of the Stones again tonight for them to collect their bags but we wouldn't let them escape without a photie before they headed off to their next port of call, looking cream crackered, with Tess in tow and more bags to cram into their car.

Still warm at 9.30pm, sitting with door open and probably an entire civilisation of moths no doubt.

This weekend was brought to you by a new BBQ and a Dyson Hoover. Thank 'Evans for house guests. Otherwise my house would be a constant tip, shrouded in cat hair.

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