things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

medium haystacks...

I had a bit of a drive around today. A walk round Ingbrchworth reservoir where much to my surprise I saw a male common blue butterfly. It was very windy (but sunny) and I saw very little in the way of insect/bee/butterfly life despite there being quite a good stock of food plants - knapweed, ragwort, thistles. I then decided (as it was sunny) to go on a little journey to try to find grayling butterflies which I have never seen. I found the quarry quite easily but infuriatingly the sun went in = no butterflies. Well, apart from one small copper.

My blip is quite fascinating to me. I like bales not wrapped in plastic, cylindrical or cuboids do it for me :) These however were amazing & I didn't really have the right lens to do them justice. I'd be interested to know what this is called and why they are like this if anyone knows...

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