Traffic jam in the parade, PSG

Met Mummy in Princes Street Gardens to parade along to the Mound (Baby did not join in), then we were all set to watch the dancing but it started raining, so we went to the cafe with Grandma and Grandpa while Mummy went to distribute programmes, then Mummy joined us until it was time for her to dance. Unfortunately, Grandma and Grandpa had gone the other way trying to get Baby to nap, so after we'd watched a bit of dancing, Mummy said it was time for her to dance, but we couldn't find Grandma or Grandpa. I was getting a bit panicky but luckily we found Grandma and Baby (not sleeping) so the nice lady gave us a biscuit and I even watched a bit of Mummy's dancing. Then we all went to the playpark together and eventually dropped Mummy back at the school.

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