La vida de Annie

By Annie

Tienda abandonada

It's getting ever harder to find a (safe) parking space in town as the tourist season progresses. I've learned to avoid most metered spaces on streets, as the local method for squeezing into a space involves backing into a space, nudging, not so gently, the car behind a few centimeters, moving forward to do the same to the car in front, and repeating until sucess is reached ( and two other cars with dented bumpers).
Being the proud owner of a new car, which has already acquired a dent in this way, I am now ultra-cautious, and will park at some distance from the shop in what seems to be a safer spot (although today I was cut up on a corner and nearly trashed - I blame heat-frenzy on other drivers). Walking through unfamiliar streets to get to the studio I noticed this inappropriately-named establishment which has, like many others, gone under. I think they were asking for it.

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