Catching the Light

This morning we had snow falling in the city and it looked so wonderful fluttering to the ground like butterflies. Sadly it didn't settle and for the rest of the day it has ether been hailing, sleeting, raining along with some sun in between. Sure has been a mixed bag! Don't think it got much higher than 3c for most of the day.

I haven't even been outside in the garden today so when I saw the sun catching the lovely cyclamen flower I took a shot. This is only flower out just now, but there are a lot of flower buds popping up. When I returned from holiday the poor plant had all wilted and I thought I had lost it. This is its second flowering so the flowers aren't as big. I just about put it out into the garden and I am so pleased I didn't.

I just looked up the history of the and was interesting to found out this!

All About the Cyclamen Flower
The cyclamen flower is known by other more common names that you have probably heard of before and know it as. The cyclamen flower is actually also called sowbread and the Persian violet. This is a flower that is not one that symbolises happiness, so you need to understand that if you plan on giving it to anyone. The cyclamen is poisonous and it actually has a meaning that relates to death and the fact that all good things will eventually end, so this is a flower that you may use at a funeral to represent departure.

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