La Fam

Today I've been stuck in the office on my own again. Torturous. No jelly today, just some staring at the 'to do' list.

This evening ma and pa came in to shrewsbury to take us out for dinner. They arrived early to take a walk along the river (although we all know mum just wanted an excuse to try out her fancy new lens). Then off to pick up sakalasafari from the station after her night away with the Oxford Moores. A pint outside at the Nag's Head then onto a lovely dinner at Ask.

The occasion was dad's farewell to Malesi, as he'll be away next week. Having friends and family around the world is an incredible thing, but goodbyes are always hideous. These two have become thick as thieves but I don't think too many tears were shed tonight. Sadly the picture with dad in it didn't make it to blip because this one is too flipping cute.

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