Holiday friends

We learned last year that one of the most important things on holiday for our kids was making friends. Olivia always packs small gifts that she can make to give to new friends such as loom bands. We always try to get the balance correct with visiting the surrounding area for us and finding activities that we'll all enjoy. That's why these parks work so well for us (myself and hubby are big kids at heart and being active is relaxing for us!). We've always met such nice people too; most of the people here are from the Netherlands who we've always found lovely.
In the last couple of days the kids have made two lovely friends who are from Yarm in North Yorkshire. In between family time and activities the four of them play outside all together.
As it was all of our last day today we promised the kids we could do some activities together, the first one being the bike type things in the above blip! They had so much fun. We also went to the swimming pool with them and Olivia and the other eight year old girl had the best time on the slides and jumping from high ledges into the pool.

Other activities today have included another family game of mini golf where we all improved our score but Dex made the most progress beating his previous score by 12 shots. Daddy was very happy as I think he's eyeing up a potential future golf buddy!

This evening we also had a family game of pétanque where we had to work hard to beat the kids!

The kids said goodbye to their new friends and have swapped addresses so that they can write to each other. If the girls do write to each other we can't see any reason why we can't meet up when we're in the UK as it would be fairly easy for us considering where they live.

We will be very sad to leave tomorrow.

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