Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Adventures in

Breastfeeding a toddler.

I'd aimed to get to a year with T. I got to 10 weeks. It was a painful, stressful and hard start to motherhood. I felt like I'd failed; as a mother and a woman. Of course I hadn't. But hormones and unmet dreams aren't a pretty combination.

Within days of K's birth I realised how 'wrong' the pain had been and honestly was proud I'd got to 10 weeks. As our journey has gone on I've heard of women who over came more than I had faced, and start to wonder what if. And then I re-read my blip from that week..."the good it could do was outweighed by the harm it was doing". How grateful I am for blipping those thoughts because then I forgive myself again.

I feel incredibly lucky that my journey feeding K took a different course. His a determined boy though, has never accepted a bottle and only likes milk direct from the source so that course is set by him.

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