Fern spores

I love ferns and find their reproductive system fascinating. There must be millions of spores on each plant and they are catapulted far and wide in an attempt to  reproduce.
Today at 8.05 AM (argh!) the men arrived to replace my boiler. My old one was 35 years old, the size of a washing machine, gave out enough heat to keep the room it was in all 'toastie' without needing a radiator, doubled as a clothes dryer and hot plate and emitted a comforting rumbling sound most of the time. I shall miss it!
Last year it stopped working and although the engineer fixed it he found it really difficult to find the part. So, afraid it would go again this winter we bit the bullet and had it replaced. We are reliably informed that the new one will be quieter, quicker and cheaper. Lets hope so.
The extra is the old one when we moved in 10 years ago.

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