Feeling like a mum today

Today was sooo much better... Our little un was like a regular toddler, sunny one minute, stroppy or tearful the next and saying 'No!' to us about all kinds of things... Our tearful sessions were due to regular situations like not being allowed another biscuit rather than the overwhelmed emotions of yesterday.

We did regular things today, like any other family might... including a walk to the village to get some food, and a bit of laundry and gardening,  as well as the obligatory playing games and watching never ending loops of Peppa Pig... (although we also got radical this morning and introduced some Sesame street to shake things up a bit...)

Some of the things that have made me feel like a proper mum, rather than a total amateur...

1. Soothing little un in the middle of the night (she's not a good sleeper and woke up 3 times, but settled down within a few minutes of cuddles )
2. trying to use the light on a mobile phone to locate a dummy thrown out of the cot at 3 in the morning, whilst simultaneously soothing little un...
3. This picture, which illustrates the pile of stickers that I pulled off myself this evening after putting little un to bed 
4. Persuading little un to clean her teeth, and avoiding a hygiene showdown
6. Seeing Dave with little un cuddled in his lap looking at books.
5. Whilst sat on the loo, having little un burst in through the door and present me with a potato

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