Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Olympic fever

The people of Port Appin didn't crowd the streets yesterday to see the Olympic Torch pass through. There were no mini -z lister - celebs leering in to every camera shot. No roads were closed and there were no cavalcades of fancy BMW's.

No one was 'proud to be the sponsor'.

There were no time expired footballers, cricketers, shot putters, caber throwers and the like being dragged out of cosy retirement. There wasn't even a sheep.

The invitation to Bare Grills didn't get a reply - it wasn't posted.

There were no 'urban games, no catch penny funfairs or food and drink villages, there wasn't a Blue Peter (despite being very cold), and there were no Cooncil expenses to pay (though no doubt a couple will claim some).

And there's a very good reason too... The torch didn't come here! So they lit their own.

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