Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

My Little Cat

I came home to find my cute cat asleep in Jonathan's games room. He  found himself a nice little perch on his sofa raised on a cushion. He ran out to me as soon as he heard me putting his food out and for a change craving attention as nobody is there at usual times. 
These times remind me and bring back vivid memories of when my Dad was in hospital. Good and bad, and a tiring experience. Although we aren't the ill ones, it is very draining, scary and stressful. I'm not only full of worry of my baby brother but also worrying about my mum as she must be going out of her mind.
Jonathan looked better today his face had cleared up and although it was still very red there weren't any blisters there. 
I took some cards with me and he managed to play them, which is such a change from just a couple of days ago.

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