Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

"...letting my freak flag fly...."

Actually, there's nothing freaky about prayer flags - they have a rich and lovely history. Prayer flags are gentle reminders, bringing us back to our essence and helping us to open our hearts and minds. When we hang prayer flags, we create the intention for more kindness for ourselves and all beings. As they wave in the wind, prayer flags lift up and carry our wishes for compassion, peace and healing around the earth. Prayer flags encourage us to live more mindfully and help us to restore our own inner calm. A more peaceful world still must begin in each of us, one open heart at a time. (Website)

Prayer flags are usually presented in groups of five and the colors - blue, white, red, green and yellow - represent sky, wind, fire, water and earth. We see a lot of these in our neighborhood - here they're flying from an upstairs shop that, in addition to doing Tarot and astrology readings, sells pagan, Buddhist and witchcraft supplies. It is a multi-cultural experience in our community.

I had other flags to choose from for the June challenge.


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