In yer face!

It was a day at base camp today....a 'Welcome to the Company' training day. 

It is now mandatory to go on a Welcome Day and so there were two people there who have been in NHSBT for years and years and years but they still joined us. It was lighthearted though and we all learnt something. One thing I didn't realise....donors volunteer to give, but hospitals have to buy the blood!

We finished early and so I decided to have a quick wander (can one wander quickly??) over to the Whitworth Gallery. I have been trying to get hold of Art Quarterly magazine as I was told there would be an article in it about my Photo competition win, well I can't find it anywhere. I did think they would sell it at the Whitworth, but to no avail. If anyone knows where I can get a copy I would be grateful. 

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