In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Thanks, but no thanks

Didn't manage to go to work today. Was supposed to, Steve, the TV engineer, came here early to fix the sky properly, he put up a new dish and, for a small fee, located the new wiring behind the wall where the old wiring was.
Arya decided to stay over last night, so after going to the Civic Amenities, e.g. The dump and recycling facilities, to offload some stuff that the previous owner left in the garage, we went to Maitlands for lunch. We then had a walk round a few stores in Fraseburgh trying to find a kitchen pot stand. But to no avail.
A bit of shopping in Tesco followed, and by that time it it was almost 1700hrs. Too late to venture into Aberdeen.
I did notice though that these ' legends' from the past were playing here soon.

Think I will give it a miss.

When we got home we discovered our potted trees had blown over, which meant that we had to humph them up to the back of the garden.
As June was hanging out some washing, on end of the mooring for the line snapped and the washing ended up on the lawn.
Being the handy man I am, cough, cough, I managed to put a new mooring up.
Janine's friend from when she was at primary school, Lorna, came by for a wee visit.

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