Wether law view

Good morning walk with the usual mob, Juno played a bit but chose sniffing over play.

Headed over to the allotment to water the greenhouse and do some weeding. It was great a group of us weeded the new orchard and what a difference, should look good once the trees are 3 to 4 years older.

Back home and Rancid and I had arranged to go for a cycle. I have never been road cycling so I headed out with the cross bike chasing the lightweight road bike. Revenge as over the years Rancid has chased me round the hills.

We headed out South, the usual hilly roads and then onto a lovely moor road to West Linton. Tea and cake for me, Rancid loaded up with a panni, my mistake as later on I was starving.

We headed east and stopped under a wee hill that I tried to run up, Rancid read a book at the bottom. A grassy lump with great views of the Border Hills and the curtain of the Pentlands protecting Edinburgh. Back bang on target and back on the bike, the wind was in our faces making it tough for me. Rancid was clicking his way along and kindly stayed close.

Back onto the moor road after a wee ascent that had me bonking. We chatted and cycled along the very quiet road and then hit the traffic on the way to Edinburgh.

2 pots of viccy plum jam to the Rancid man, huge thanks for putting up with me and getting me out on the bike. I thoroughly enjoyed myself today cheers.

I was starving and stuffed food down my throat.

18589 (37 miles cycling)

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