Our NHS...
What would we do without it? Doesn't bear thinking about.
After a better night than anticipated (I managed to get a decent sleep, despite being woken to have my BP checked on a regular basis), I woke just before 7.30 and went for a quick wash before getting dressed, not because I was sure I would be getting home but because I had my orthopaedic outpatient appointment re. my dodgy knee at 9.45am and the nurse in charge said they would arrange for me to be taken downstairs to keep the appointment.
The ladies arrived with breakfast and the conversation went like this,
Porridge, corn flakes or rice crispies? Rice crisps please.
White or brown roll? Brown roll please.
Jam or marmalade? Jam please.
Apple or orange juice? Orange juice please.
She disappeared and returned a few minutes later with my breakfast. Cornflakes, white roll, marmalade and apple juice. It made me proper laugh :-))) I asked if I could swop the marmalade and she willingly obliged but remained oblivious to the fact the only bit of my breakfast she'd got right was the tea! That aside, I thoroughly enjoyed it. First food to pass my lips since yesterday lunchtime!
Consultant came to see me and confirmed all the results so far have been normal but that the ECG and bloods would be repeated this morning. If still ok, I would be able to go home.
Managed to get that done before the porter arrived to take me for my appt with the orthopaedic surgeon re. my knee. David was already waiting for me down there.
Orthopaedic guy had looked at my X-ray and previous surgery and his advice is not to touch my knee unless absolutely necessary. He thinks the potential for making it a lot worse is very high. He confirmed that there is some more arthritic wear and tear around the joint but that the partial knee replacement that was done 5 years ago, still looks good and is doing it's job.
I am happy with this result as since I've been seeing the physio and doing the exercises she gave me, the muscles around my knee are much stronger and I feel it is more supported. So another issue put to one side for the time being.
Back up to the ward to await the test results. D went home to give Alan his lunch (still eating lots :-)) and I people watched. Wards are fascinating places to be when you don't feel ill and the likelihood is you are going home
Last BP check (nurse said it was better than his! :) then final chat with the consultant who said results were back and again normal, so I could go home. They still don't know what's causing the symptoms but I feel happier now I know what's not causing them!
David came back for me and I am delighted to be home and feeling absolutely fine and a little embarrassed by all the fuss!
Happy Anniversary D!
PS Yesterday on the way to the hospital, David turned right at the bottom of the road (I thought he'd turn left) and I asked him why he'd gone that way and he said "thought I'd save the hospital the hassle and just take you straight to the cemetery" as we drove past the local graveyard. Just as well I have a sense of humour! :-))))
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