
Today's entry marks 4 years of consecutive blips; as the golf course, and the 4th hole in particular, has probably appeared in more of my blips than any other one subject, it seemed appropriate to feature it again today.

As it happens, by some stroke of serendipity, I actually managed to play it in four shots today to get a par 4.

Many thanks to all of you who regularly drop by for all your comments, encouragement and virtual friendship. I can't imagine life without my daily dose of Blipfoto now. Let's hope we can continue to stay together.

Off to Yeovil's last pre-season friendly tonight before the season kicks off in earnest on Saturday, so will catch up tomorrow.

Edit: just noticed that the 4th hole is 365 yards long! Wish I'd thought to graffiti a multiplication sign in between the 4 and the 365 on the tee board at the top of the collage before I took the picture!

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