Tiny Tuesday 10 - my rings...
We took a trip to Broughty Ferry this morning and I had the intention of trying out my new filters...but no moody skies...just..dull..dull...dull...and then rain...
Took this photo of my rings whilst sitting having a cuppa having just read post by Rainie about using and iPad to sit jewellery on to take the photo as it's reflective and also a black background....used my iPhone for this and it's not a great photo but I did take it in a cafe have a cuppa at the time...
We're back home now and I could take this photo again but can't be bothered today....sitting waiting for someone to answer the phone so that we can change our booking for the London Eye...we have had to cancel the sleeper for this week because of the tube strike on Wednesday...
Finally got through and all sorted...just this Blip to upload and then...relax...
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