
By wsjohnson

Let's be upstanding and raise a glass to . .

. . the memory of Liverpool's own: Ms. Cilla Black

Being forbidden from observing the news and current events, due in part to my own adverse reaction to same (Donald Trump? Really???) the sad news of Cilla Black's passing wasn't known until last night.

Having once attempted to appear as a contestant on "Blind Date" (oddly never making the cut) She - in a typical English way - felt a kinship with Cilla, as did pretty much everyone in Britain. Cilla had that certain "thing" that made her a real treasure, on and off the screen.

Sad news, really sad

The photo above, just in case you hadn't figured it out - for those (few) of you who have not been properly introduced - this is "her father's moral compass" Ms. Darryl-Elizabeth Johnson and her (come November 28th) lifelong 'mate' Shane

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