
By Madchickenwoman

Port Eliot Day 1

Well it took a little longer for French Dweller, Party Girl and I to get to the festival for a variety of reasons.The first was and is  my complete inability to be ready on time! There is always last minute gathering to do however hard I try to be organised and on time! The second was a stop at Waitrose for Tonic Water and anything Marmite flavoured to deter the mosquitoes/midges. A previous year I had bought patches at the festival and discovered they smelled like Marmite! The Vit b in marmite is not to a midges liking apparently - which figures as you either love it or hate it, there is no middle road with Marmite! ! It was at the carpark that FD nearly had a meltdown - I had taken a bag from the boot of my car, then reopened the boot to change it for another that was more colour coordinated with my outfit! I used to coordinate the colour of  my lighter with my outfit when I was a smoker, and now I do the same with my Vapouriser! I am uber style conscious, and I mean style not fashion!! Considering she was wearing clothes of mine I don't think she had any ground on which to build an argument and told her it was why she loved me instead! 
Next stop Plymouth as my e-ticket had not come through so we were using another bandmembers wrist strap for the day until mine did. Which means I had a gold wrist strap with the words "Port Eliot" and "Artist" - you can imagine how pleased that made me!
So finally we arrived! First stop food! Thai noodles and gin and tonic! We then mooched along the various stalls on our way to the river, where I bought a lovely vintage silk top! We sat and watched the adults and children having fun in the mudflat  and a group having a dance lesson - where to my horror they did a very boring step routine to Nina Simone's "My Baby Just Cares For Me" - utter sacrilege! It is my favourite song and i love to dance to it - but it cannot be danced to as a group routine - you have to feel and move to it freeform! 
Anyhow! We mooched along the river and found a sunny spot to lay down our blankets and consume our gin! Once this had been done PG bought a pitcher of Pimms and we sat and chatted some more! This is where the blip was taken - the sun coming through the trees and illuminating the smoke from the food stall was just magical! I'm sure it wasn't just the Pimms that made it seem so to me!
We finally moved to catch Murray Lachlan Young, a poet who simply makes my sides ache with laughter! He did a fantastic set,of which the highlights were  "Is it Wrong to wear the thong," "Go Keith Go," "The Technosexual" and an audience participation to the folksong style "A Dogging I will go!"
After this up to the Bowling Green for Maniere des Bohemes played in the tent and some food from the Indian streetfood stall! We all suffered a bit of a slump at this point! However The Swing Empire were setting up so we waited and were rewarded with a fine session to which FD and I danced with gay abandon! PG was feeling a little cold and thought she was developing a urine infection so only danced a little and we took pity on her once the Swing ended and took her home!
So ended Day 1!! Flickr set here!

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