
By hallucination30


No photos today other than this. A small selection of Lucie's shoes. I realised she has rather a lot!
The kids have been amazing today, endlessly and tirelessly playing together. 'C'mon Luce' has been Sammy's most used sentence and Luce obediently toddles behind, taking a chance and throwing her arms round him at every opportunity. They spent a good half hour sat on their bee chairs in the Wendy house with the doors and windows shut just chatting, him with his bear, her with her doll. I felt so fortunate to have had them so close to each other in age, to be a huge part of one another's growing up years. There's a lot of love between them.
Gymmed with a friend tonight, first time ever, was fun but harder talking and running! We burnt over 700 calories so celebrated with a hot chocolate :)

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