Mat Looks Fan - c

Today was spent shooting Mats Fan - C fan. I've known Mat for quite a while now having met him at various meetings or the dreaded net working events!
But today it was really great to get to know him better and we got on like a house on fire as he is also a photographer.
Mat has numerous businesses that go from his fan heater to a website portal for peak district artists called
A lovely man who wears many hats.
Here's a little bit about what his fan does.
Stove Top Fan-C - a heat powered fan to assist your multifuel or woodburning stove heating.
The day was ended by chairing a meeting of the Bakewell Partnership.
Chairing meetings is knew to me and i'm a bit of a chairing virgin so approached it with a certain amount of trepidation but it seemed to go well.

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