Always Room for One More!
Dear Diary,
"Do these extra seeds make me look fat?" Philomena and Hoover are in a frenzy of stocking up for the winter. I think I could fill their seed bowls every hour and they would be there to stuff their little cheeks and then disappear down their bolt holes to store it safely away. They are Nature's little hoarders!
We humans are beginning to feel the urge to "stock up" for the coming winter as well. David is preparing my wood that will soon be stacked neatly in the barn cellar once Greg finishes his work. Greg will be here this week to finish the inside of the new porch and then it will be up to David to give it a nice fresh coat of paint.
Those of us who live in rural places seem to have a more intimate embrace of the seasons because we are so often at their mercy. When the nearest store is 8 miles away you need to think ahead! But I maintain there is something about rural life that infuses the soul with a sense of well being that I never have experienced in the city. And for that reason alone I wouldn't live anywhere else.
Ironically, rural America has become viewed by a growing number of Americans as having a higher quality of life not because of what it has, but rather because of what it does not have! ~Don A. Dillman
ps. That blue sphere behind Philly is an antique fishing ball that fishermen would attach to their nets. I have three that I put out in the garden to catch the summer light.
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